With One Simple
Move You Can:
Stop losing women
that initially liked you (because you couldn’t play the game)Re-enter the dating
scene with confidence… at any age.Pass each and every
one of women’s secret testsUnlock the Scrambler is the only system that combines eliminating the
’nice guy’ behavior engrained in so many men with the most cutting-edge
discoveries of modern psychology.
So you can gain the attraction of women, project personal power, and avoid the
‘lets just be friends speech’ for good.
“Nice Guys”
Know About Women is Wrong
I'm sure you probably have heard that expression more than once,
"Nice guys finish last," or "Don't be the nice guy.”
But let me ask you… Why is being too nice so detrimental?
The answer is actually really simple.
It's because the woman associates you being nice as you trying too hard,
and that try hard behavior, she associates with a low status person.
Basically she thinks 'if he’s trying this hard to get me to like him, there must be something wrong with him, other women must not want him either.
You see a woman is unconsciously noticing all these things about you:
I call it “Nice Guy Syndrome” and many men are guilty of it without even realizing how much its hurting them.
Rob and I have a saying:
“Once a woman figures you out its over,
and you’ll never have her”It isn’t until we look back at our dates with women or our relationships, that we realize we came across too nice, predictable, and way too easy to catch. And that bores her.
Remember, dogs don’t chase rocks sitting on the ground. They chase rabbits that dart in and out of bushes.
So, how do you get a girl to chase you? Easy.
You use the RIGHT BAIT.
We have helped over 40,000 men around the world to take their “power” back into their own hands by using these techniques to shed “nice guy” behavior and pass women’s secret tests.
… without having to act like a “jerk” or pretend to be someone their not.
Just Listen To What
Our Clients Have
To Say:
“Got a sleepover with a 22 y/o tonight and a 40 y/o tomorrow night. The 22 y/o is really so sweet, stunning and really likes the attention and pleasure she gets from me. The 40y/o is really quirky in a fun way and she too is stunning and LOVES sex with me.
Again, thanks from one 70 y/o living his golden years to the fullest with your help.
“Its Tebogo here, I first found your material a couple of years ago and man oh man oh man i cant believe how your tactics are working. I've scored a lot of girls and most amazing part is that the are beautiful, attractive ladies who keep coming back for more. while on this journey of trying out your tactics i fall in love with a beautiful lady and i'm pleased to say because i took your advice, we have now been dating for two years and we live together. Thank you keep helping shy and scared guys like me to get beautiful ladies.”
“I went to the Unlock the Scrambler seminar in Arizona, where I got to meet Rob Judge and yourself and gained some invaluable insight and implementation. I left that workshop with a feeling of hope and an unshakeable confidence that has helped me carry on with my daily life.
I want to take a moment to thank you Bobby, your lessons have changed my life. I initially stumbled upon dating advice starting with, “Unlock the Scrambler” while crushing hard on this girl. I wanted her to fall for me and with the help of the program and the mindsets learned I made it happen.”
Hi, I’m Bobby…
I know that women can seem impossible to figure out, and how that
frustration can kill your confidence and impact your entire life.
Most men know me as a top dating coach, in a happy relationship. But my
life didn’t always look like this.
I spent most of my life as the “typical”
nice guy stuck in the friend zone, and confused and frustrated that I was always
single and alone.
And worst of all, I thought because I wasn’t overly good looking,
rich, or naturally charismatic, I didn’t deserve the type of woman
of I really wanted to be with.
I know what is like to feel like “dating isn’t worth it”.
And I also know what it’s like to lose hope after watching another
woman slip away (even when she seemed to initially like you.)
But now, I’m happy to have had the chance to meet, attract, and date
a lot of fun, beautiful woman, and wind up with a woman I really wanted.
And I am living proof that its not only possible to overcome years of
frustration with women, you can get to the point where you have complete
choice and control over your dating life.
Over the past ten years I have worked with thousands of in-person
clients around the country and now tens of thousands of men all over
the world have used my program to finally land the woman they’ve been
longing for.
And discover the powerful secret that our dating life can
quickly change at any age.
It Doesn’t Matter If You’re Old, Shy, or Inexperienced. This Program is Easy to Learn and Effective for Everyone
Here are The Benefits
You Can Expect
Stop Losing Her
Interest Early On
Keep things interesting and engaging with a woman without coming on so strong you scare her away. The Scrambler gives you everything you need to hold a woman’s attention and keep the attraction alive, so you can enjoy fun dates, cuddling on the couch, and taking vacations with an attractive girlfriend or wife.
Build Self
They say that until a man has his dating life under control, his self confidence suffers in every other area of his life. When a man is chasing a woman, heartbroken, or not getting his physical needs met, its almost impossible to focus on anything else. When you finally conquer this area, your confidence explodes in all areas of life.
Transform into a More
Attractive Version of You
Did you know that women don’t judge a man’s attractive on his physical traits like we judge women? Women judge a man on what she “feels” when she’s with him, and how much she thinks about him when he’s not around. In fact, sometimes the less you’re her “type” physically the more powerful the Scrambler is because she winds up thinking “there is just something about it”
Time and Money
Are you tired of having to make time for expensive, weekly dinner dates that fizzle out before the first kiss? The tools in this system can be implemented this week… So you can reclaim all your time and money being a nice guy has cost you, and finally make her yours.
No More
Friend Zone
At some point or another we’ve all experienced the dreaded friend zone speech. And the feeling of being in purgatory, stuck there, with no way out (until now). That is why the Scrambler “resets” a woman’s opinion of you, giving you a chance to start over, and finally escape the friend zone.
Finally Understand
the Psychology of Women
Women can be a huge mystery to men and impossible to figure out. But once you go through the program its like getting a glimpse inside a woman’s mind, and knowing exactly what attracts her, what turns on her on, and why she repeatedly chases certain guys, and why these techniques can have the same effect for you.
Why Do
Most Programs Fail?
Other Programs
The Unlock the Scrambler System
Just Listen To What
Our Clients Have
To Say:
Genius stuff I read the material I bought from you several times and applied it all. Sometimes within seconds girls are eating out of my hand. You guys are brilliant!!!!!!
“Bobby Rio, you've made it too easy. You are worth far more than your programs cost. All I can say is WOW. Just fantastic. Thanks brother.”
“I joined you’re services to use the scrambler on my ex and it has worked and I have her back!!!!!!!”
Here’s a Small Taste of
What You’re GettingPut “The Game” on Autopilot
No more worrying if you’re showing too much interest, if you’re not being persistent enough, if she’s slipping away or just playing hard to get. You’ll never have to worry if you’re texting too much or too little, if you should compliment her, or when to reveal your feelings. Just sit back and let the Scrambler do the work.
Resets a Woman’s
Opinion of You
This way, even if you’ve already messed up or made a bad impression, she’ll instantly forget she’s ever rejected you or muttered, “Let’s just be friends.” Discover how the first phase of The Scrambler allows you to make an entirely new “first impression” on a woman who might already feel like she figured you out.
Not More Wondering
How She Feels About You
Did you know there’s a simple question you can ask a girl that’ll instantly tell you if she’s ready to kiss you so you never have to risk rejection or embarrassment? Did you know that its possible to “read between the lines” of her text messages so you can quickly judge her interest level?
Play Hard to GetI bet you already know that girls are hard-wired to want what they can’t have. What you probably didn’t know is that if you start playing hard to get before you fully capture her attention, she’ll just think you’re disinterested, gay, or too shy to make a move. This is why it’s crucial to follow the exact sequence laid out in the Scrambler.
Conversation and Flirting
Tips and Tricks
This program is meant to provide you everything you need to know make meeting that one special woman easy and enjoyable. So in addition to the psychology based moves, you will also get flirting tips and word-for-word example of what to say, when to go for the kiss, the right way to use humor, and how to build chemistry and connection so she sweep her off her feet.
Why Do You Want
to Pass Women’s
Secret Tests?
Will You Receive?
Everything you will need to become the man women choose from the
crowd and want a relationship with.
And a little over a year ago, Rob Judge and I held a private seminar in Rob’s
house in Scottsdale Arizona. We invited 10 of our best students, who paid us over
$1000 each to be there in person.
And over the course of two days, we handed these
students every step of the Scrambler, every chess move, every subtle thing you can
do to have a woman chasing you for sex and relationships.
And we turned it into a home study course where you’ll get full access to
the entire seminar, the workbooks, the strategy guides, and have everything you
need to put the Scrambler into use, and start seeing the same amazing results the
guys at the seminar have experienced.
You’ll get over 10 hours of HD footage from the seminar, after watching it just
once, you’ll be an expert on using the Scrambler to find a wife, girlfriend, or just
some casual fun with a female friend, co-worker, or even the girl who serves you
coffee at Starbucks, its your call.
Begin to see the change in the way women respond to you today.
Free Gift #1
The 66 Sexual Trigger Words Report
Rob and I wanted to give you something that would make the Scrambler even more powerful, something that would make it impossible for a woman to resist you.
So you're going to get a report containing 66 sexual trigger words, and explanations of how to use each of them in the correct way so they really are like a switch that instantly turns a girl on.
This 64 page report includes the exact words, and everything we’ve learned about using them in every day conversation to spark intense sexual desire.
And today, it is our gift to you...absolutely free.
Free Gift #2
Invisible Escalation
The first bonus, is a video called Invisible Escalation.
In this video you’ll learn how to spark intense chemistry and tension with
a woman, completely under the radar, so that she begins feeling attraction to
you, but doesn’t know why.
This is perfect for a female friend or co-worker because when she becomes
attracted to you she thinks it was her idea.
What you’ll love about the method in this video is that you really can’t get
rejected because you’re never overtly making a move, you’re just using a series
of “invisible” moves that get her imagining being with you.
Proven tips like:
Free Gift #3
She’s Sending You Signals Manual
You’re going to get our “She’s Sending You
Signals report.” Discover every hidden signal she’s sending to the point
you can actually read her mind and know exactly what she’s thinking.
This report shows you how to decode even the most hard-to-read girl.
Never miss an opportunity to make your move. Never feel confused or
frustrated because you can’t read her signals.
Discover things like:
Free Gift #4
12 Conversation Topics That Have Her Fall in Love
You’ll also get 12 “Conversation Topics” to insert into
your conversation that create a love loop in her mind and have her go home later that
night and think, “Wow. I think I’m falling in love with him.”
You’ll learn all 12 topics, exactly why they work and how to effortlessly slip
them into conversation.
You’ll get these special bonuses 100% free
when you order today.
So go ahead and claim your copy of Unlock the Scrambler System and Seminar Recordings
But before you do, I want to reassure you…
You will experience the ultimate satisfaction of being with a woman you are
truly attracted to, or I will insist that we give you your money back.
When I created this program I had only one goal in mind…
I wanted YOU to have an affordable program that would allow you to experience
the same amazing results that changed my life.
Money Back Guarantee
I’m giving you a FULL 60 days to test this program for yourself. I want
you to feel in control of your dating life and experience the sensation of
being with someone you truly desire. I want you to feel an incredible sense
of confidence in knowing that you were able to transform into the type of man
women put on a pedestal and chase, rather than the other way around.
No hassle. No hoops to jump through. Absolutely no fine print. You’ll get a
full refund - no questions asked.
Order the Unlock the Scrambler System and Unlock Your Ability to Be the Man Women Want to be With
Get it all! Videos, Audios, Reports,
Bonuses, Everything You Need!Just Listen To What
Our Clients Have
To Say:
Bobby, so after getting the friend zone speech (over text nonetheless) I followed all the directions that you lay out in the Scrambler. Culminating with planning an “event” like you suggest.
Later I went in for the kiss in the way you talked about and she was like “I like that… do it again” (and this continued for a while).
We then went out on two more dates (and after that second she came back to my place and we had sex). From there, I’ve stuck to the plan for the most part (esp. the Phase 3 of the Scrambler lessons), and things have gone really well.
“I can’t tell you how much the course helped me. Every time I went on a date it would give me new ideas. And I would CRUSH the dates.
I listened to our call recording multiple times and digested the key points.
Because of that, I handled things like a champ and things went way easier than expected.
I had sex with Isabel again a couple days ago, plans and lines of communication are wide open. Thanks again!”
“I got the scrambler from you about 30 days ago and I wanted to tell you that you have changed my life forever.
I have always been a nice guy, to a fault. You showed me how to get women interested and it still allows me to be a nice guy!
I just needed to learn that I was skipping an important part of the courting step in the relationship.
I am meeting some amazing girls. Even a few that want nothing more than sex. Sex isn't a big part of the reason i purchased your program, but if I wanted it...
Thank you Bobby!”
Asked Questions
I know you’re going to be thrilled with how easy it is to finally get the
satisfying love life you’ve been longing for. There is nothing I love more than
sharing this life-changing gift with others, and I can’t wait to hear from you as
you experience the amazing results for yourself.
So go ahead and click the button below and join me in reclaiming the abundant,
vibrant dating life you were made for.